Monday 7 January 2013

Prado Museum

Georgia here,

I had written a long blog ages ago but mum has already mentioned all that so I am just go start write another one.

Oh, the adventures we have been having. We went to Madrid on the 2nd and were meant to come back on the 6th. I had no clue that you could fit so much into 4 days, the train ride went forever and after four and a half hours of playing cards we finally arrived in Madrid. The next day we hopped on a tourist bus and went and saw the Prado Museum which had fabulous paintings from the 13 and 14 hundreds. We got an audio tour which told us all about each painting, every single painting had so much detail. My favourite painting was the family portrait, the dresses all looked like they were actually crinkled as well as they all looked so life like, my favourite part of the painting was the man in the shadows who happened to be the painter. The statues of all the painters stood out the front and as tourists cramped around it we finally got our picture taken with them.

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